

jabbot 重生!

21:33 <@gugod> jabbot 又不在了
21:33 <@gugod> 不過他好像已沒什麼存在的必要了 XD
21:34 <@zonble> 真的嗎?
21:34 <@whiteg> 都幫她設blog了
21:35 <@gugod> :/
21:35 <@zonble> gugod: 我要 jabbot!
21:35 <@zonble> 連署∼
21:35 * whiteg 連署
21:36 -!- jabbot [~jabo@irc.csie.ntu.edu.tw] has joined #osxchat
21:36 <@gugod> jabbot: 好慢喔
21:36 < jabbot> gugod: 時間從未主動將遺忘作為恩賜,這是張強行索來的痛苦折扣券。
21:37 <@gugod> jabbot: reloate modules
21:37 <@gugod> jabbot: reload modules
21:37 < jabbot> gugod: ok
21:37 < csicebot> gugod: no way.
21:37 <@zonble> jabbot: 你好棒
21:37 < jabbot> zonble: 這個星球上,我最看不順眼的生物就是小朋友∼
21:37 <@gugod> csicebot: not you.
21:37 < csicebot> gugod: 與我分離,是它唯一能被我認識的方式。
21:37 <@gugod> 一上來就小朋友


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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I came to the bar following him and found buy Archlord gold was so cheap. After that, I also go to play game with him.

Anonymous said...

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Do you know the dofus kamas, in the game you need the kamas. it can help you increase your level. My friends always asked me how to buy dofus kamas, and I do not know he spend how much money to buy thedofus gold, when I see him in order to play the game and search which the place can buy the cheap kamas. I am happy with him.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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